
Getting Started

This post will guide you on how to get started with Nextein.

What are we building?

We are going to create a static site that contains:

  • An index page to get our posts listed.
  • A page to display each post.


You'll need to install Node.js if you don't have it installed already. (To get the latest Node.js version please visit the official Node.js website)

This guide assumes you are familiar with Javascript/ES6, and Next.js. It is always good to keep the Next.js site at hand for learning and documentation.

Create an npm Project

The first step is to use npm to create a project in order to install all dependencies.

mkdir my-blog  && cd my-blog  && npm init -y

Install Dependencies

For our first project we will need, at least, to install Nextein, Next.js and React. You can add more dependencies as you need them later.

npm install --save next react react-dom nextein webpack@4

Create Your First Page and Post

Nextein requires creating a next.config.js file. This configuration file uses a wrapper for Next.js configuration.

const { withNextein } = require('nextein/config')

module.exports = withNextein({
  // place your next config in here!

Let's begin creating a pages folder with an index.js with this code:

import React from 'react'
import withPosts from 'nextein/posts'
import { Content } from 'nextein/post'

export default withPosts(({ posts }) => {
  return (
    { => (        
        <article key={}>
          <Content {} />

This is our first Page component. The HOC (High Order Component) withPosts will be passing a list of posts to be rendered. These posts will be read from the /posts folder. Let's start by creating a simple post file with the following content:

title: My First Post

This is the content of the first post. Hello there! 

Now that we have our pages/index.js component, the posts/ content and the root config next.config.js, we are ready to start our dev server right away. To do so, we need to edit the package.json file and add the following to the scripts section:

  "scripts": {
    "dev": "nextein"

Finally we can start our dev server by running the following command:

npm run dev

This will start a server available on localhost:3000.

Creating a Single Post Page

In the previous example the pages/index.js component rendered all files under the posts folder. Now, we are going to create a Page component to render only the post content.

Let's modify first the index.js to include a link for the post.

import React from 'react'
import withPosts from 'nextein/posts'
import { Content } from 'nextein/post'

export default withPosts(({ posts }) => {
  return (
    { => (        
        <article key={}>
          <h1><a href={}>{}</a></h1>
          <Content {} />

The post url is generated automatically based on the file name and, if specified, the category with the form of /{category}/{file-name}.

As mentioned before, we need a component to render our post. The default configuration is having a file pages/post.js. Let's create it with the following content:

import React from  'react'
import withPost, { Content } from 'nextein/post'

export default withPost(({ post }) => {
  return (
        <Content {} />

The withPost HOC will pass the post's information to be rendered.

Exporting the Static Content

Once we are ready with the development of our site, we can export the site to generate the static content.

Modify the package.json to include the export script:

  "scripts": {
    "dev": "nextein",
    "export": "nextein build && nextein export"

Now we can run the export command using:

npm run export

This will generate an out folder wich will contain our static site. You can serve it using serve:

npx serve out


It might be worth to clean the cache folders that Next.js uses before runnning the export command in our local environment to make sure we are including only the production ready files.

rm -rf .next/

That's all you need to get started with Nextein. You can also check our nextein starter repository to get you up and running in seconds!

Built with ♥︎ and nextein by /elmasse